1. Which Insects do You Indentify with? (what bugs are on your tiny totem?) | Bonnie Rose Bridges | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
2. Dungeons and Dragons class selector | Coen de Moor | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
3. Which Koopa Kid Are You? | Isaiah Koch | Yes/No Selector |  | 5 votes |
4. Which SaGa Frontier Character are you? | Subaru Shinjo | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
5. Clue Character Selector (game and TV series, not the movie) | Sapphire | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
6. Banjo-Kazooie/Banjo-Tooie character selector | Hotohori | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
7. Which DDR song are you? | Keira | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
8. Kingdom Hearts | Darice | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
9. What Final Fight character are you? | PrimeOp | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
10. Alpha Centauri Faction Selector | Daniel Saults | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
11. Wordle hacks: how to win at the New York Times' popular new word guessing game. | SelectSmart Staff | Staff Created Selector |  | 3 votes |
12. Mega Man X | KureejiiLea | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
13. Which genshin character are you most likely to? | dying.inside<3 | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
14. What LEGO Bionicle Toa Inika are you? | BionicleFan1994 | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
15. Which Final Fantasy Main Male Character Are You? | The Slink | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
16. Which Megaman E.X.E. character are you? | David Burgess | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
17. Which Resident Evil S.T.A.R.S Character Are You? | oneofmanyREfans | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
18. What Kind of Ice cube are You? | BongoGoku2nd | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
19. Final Fantasy X | Abdul Nabar | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
20. Monkey Island 3 character selector | Vera-Rosebud | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
21. What Okage: Shadow King Character Are You? | Meshi Loves You | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
22. Relationships Are A Bitch | sacamano | Flowchart |  | 2 votes |
23. Final Fantasy Job Class! | SilentShoy2 | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
24. LUNAR LUNAR LUNAR!!!! (SSSC) | Icarian_God_Meis | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
25. Which Mordheim Warband Should You Be A Part Of? | Ormand | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
26. Which Half-Life Character are you? | Sphelx Lizards | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
27. StarCraft Dating Prospects | ixxra | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
28. Are you Squirtle, Bulbasaur or Charmander! | Jona | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
29. Zelda Character | ED Wong | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
30. Which Ring of Destruction (Slam Masters 2) character are you? | Igatona | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
31. Who in Devil May Cry is the most like you? | Hotohori | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
32. How addicted are you to CoD? | SPaM | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
33. Toronto Vampires RPG | Boss Ladies | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
34. What Chess Piece Are You? | Evrius | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
35. Chess Database Software | Robert Pawlak | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
36. Table RPG Selector | Shanya Almafeta | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
37. What auspice would fit you best? | jait | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
38. Which Sonic ADventure 2 Character are you like? | Ruki | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
39. Weatherlight ~ Rath Cycle ~ Character Personality Test | mercury_blu | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
40. What Legend of the Dragoon character are you most like? | Freefall | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
41. Clock Tower 3 character selector | Alyssa the Rooder | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
42. Which Super Mario Sunshine Character are you most like? | unknown | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
43. Which Mario enemy are you? | Yoshi | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
44. Metal Gear Solid Characters | Sniper Wolf | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
45. Which Mega Man Legends Character Are You? | Kenn | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
46. Donkey Kong Country character quiz | Hotohori | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
47. Which Clue Character Are You? | dizzydiva | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
48. Timesplitters 2 character selector | ultimate splitter | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
49. Which card game should I play (or learn)? | Card Sharp | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
50. Which Legend of Dragoon Character Are YOU? | Morgane | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
51. Neopets Selector | Trio da Maxwell | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
52. Insanity Test | Mix Mastah Mike | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
53. Choose the appropriate SSB Melee Character! | Baby Ichiban [Mark Williamson] | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
54. Banjo-Kazooie/Banjo-Tooie boss selector | Hotohori | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
55. Devil May Cry Character are you? | Lil Chibi Kuri | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
56. Kingdom Hearts selector | Riku-Lover | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
57. Toonstruck quiz | Hotohori | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
58. Which Beast Machine Character | gtnish7 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
59. What Kind of Zelda Fighter are you??? | Dillon Schevling | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
60. What Ostoneatae Character Are You? | Kamakazi | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
61. What Diablo 2 Character are you? | Fallen Angel | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
62. What LEGO Bionicle Piraka Are You? | BionicleFan1994 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
63. Super Smash Bros. Melee Character Selector | roundbox311 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
64. Which Character are you from the Game Clue? | gtnish7 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
65. Tekken 4 Character Personality Selector | Cyc | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
66. What random RPG Item ARE you? | Masked Beaver | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
67. Kreeturez: What Aura are You? | The Other Guy | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
68. Viewtiful Joe Boss/Character Selector | jtcgh | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
69. Pick a Card! I will guess your card in only 8 questions! | G1G4W4TT5 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
70. Tales of Symphonia which character are you | garth | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
71. What monkey are you? | Loe Man | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
72. Super Smash Bros. Melee Quiz 1 of ??? | Corey Roberts | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
73. Which Nintendo Games Series are you? | Yoshi | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
74. Which Sonic the Hedgehog character are you? | Btmn215 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
75. Which Doom / Doom 2 Monster are you? | picklehammer | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
76. Which Donkey Kong Character are you? | jimbob | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
77. Game System Selector | Rachel Kourin | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
78. Are you Mario,Luigi,Sonic,Shadow,Kirby or Metal Knight? | nolanstrong | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
79. Warcraft clan? | Kilik7 | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
80. Final Fansty Unoffical I Selector | kpg | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
81. Bionicle selectors | Toa_of_light | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
82. Dynasty Warriors Personality Quiz | yjyj | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
83. Which Sonic the Hedgehog Character Are You? | Shadonic12 | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
84. What White Wolf type are you? | Atonement | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
85. Vampire: The Masquerade Clan Finder | Little Jane | Yes/No Selector |  | 5 votes |
86. What Net Navi are you? | Prince Roy | Yes/No Selector |  | 35 votes |
87. Lufia 2 Character Personality Likeness Selector | Futility | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
88. What Sim would you be? | Locknestra | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
89. Which Sonic character would you like? | Ayanamei | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
90. Which Zelda Boss are you? | Yoshi of HL | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
91. Legend of the Five Rings Clan Selector | Matsu Tsuko | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
92. which genshin character are you most like? | hisu | Yes/No Selector |  | 9 votes |
93. L5R CLAN SELECTOR | koi no | Yes/No Selector |  | 18 votes |
94. The Legend of Dragoon Character selector | BlackRoseThorn | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
95. Que personagem de SegaSonic você é?? | Mark the Echidna | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
96. Famous Video Game Villains quiz | Hotohori | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
97. What digimon are you? | Legendmon | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
98. Which Neopets Faerie are you? | Eva | Yes/No Selector |  | 27 votes |
99. Yet Another Sonic Character Quiz | SA2Tails | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
100. Which character from Metal Gear Solid 2 are YOU most like? | rainecloud | Yes/No Selector |  | 34 votes |